

Today, human beings are deeply disconnected from our origins. Subjected to a frantic pace that traps us, we live immersed in a system that pushes us to forget our essence. The result is increasingly individualistic modern societies with little room for critical thinking and reflection.

The effects of this way of life have been manifesting for years in the form of the climate crisis. In the face of this situation, it is time to come to a full stop. To reconnect with the essentials of life, what makes us human, what gives meaning to what we do, and without which we would not be here.

We created Flamingos Life with the conviction of the need for a total transformation of the footwear industry. A sector deeply rooted in our area but sorely lacking change.

Our ultimate goal is to manufacture biodegradable sneakers. A challenge that requires us to focus on nature itself as the main force guiding our path.

Plants are one of the most valuable elements we have on our planet. We understand that a conscious use of them is key to transforming the footwear industry. Through innovation, we have developed new materials made from corn, bamboo, apple, and organic cotton.

The use of plants is our way of returning to the essentials, valuing and focusing on what truly matters. It is also the most sustainable, gentle, and ethical way to fight climate change and contribute to the preservation of the planet.



263,783 trees planted in Madagascar and Mozambique in partnership with Eden Reforestation Projects.

25,596 kilograms of plastic collected from the ocean with Waste Free Oceans.

1500 people with access to clean water thanks to the three wells built in partnership with Agua ONG.



Working close with long-experienced artisans located in Spain and Portugal.



Our aim ever since we founded Flamingos Life has been to produce plant-based sneakers and save millions of animals that the fashion industry kills to make shoes.

Unfortunately, our alternative was using plastic, a material that’s 99% petroleum-based and other conventional materials of the shoes industry. Being loyal to our project, we worked on the development of plant based and highly biodegradable materials in our commitment of preserving the planet.


Corn waste is a vegan, plant-based and organic material that provides a comfortable, environmentally friendly alternative to leather.

This newly developed material has undergone some of the most important quality standards. It has been subjected to bending tests and has been proven to be more durable than animal leather.


The lining in most of our sneakers is made from bamboo-based material. Bamboo offers exceptional properties as it is a highly renewable and fast-growing plant that thrives without the need for chemicals or pesticides. In addition, bamboo's remarkable ability to absorb greenhouse gases makes it the perfect sustainable alternative.


Cultivating cotton organically respects the biodiversity of the land where it is grown, which promotes fertility for future crops. Organic growth methods also respect the health of workers who are harmed during conventional cotton cultivation by inhaling chemical products, as well as the health of people who will use the cotton products.


From the Hevea brasiliensis tree, we extract latex sap, which is then processed to produce natural rubber. This material has high elasticity, flexibility, and durability—unique properties that make it ideal for producing the outsoles of our shoes. By using this natural resource, we choose a renewable and biodegradable alternative to petroleum-based chemicals.


Corn waste is a vegan, plant-based and organic material that provides a comfortable, environmentally friendly alternative to leather.

This newly developed material has undergone some of the most important quality standards. It has been subjected to bending tests and has been proven to be more durable than animal leather.


The lining in most of our sneakers is made from bamboo-based material. Bamboo offers exceptional properties as it is a highly renewable and fast-growing plant that thrives without the need for chemicals or pesticides. In addition, bamboo's remarkable ability to absorb greenhouse gases makes it the perfect sustainable alternative.


Cultivating cotton organically respects the biodiversity of the land where it is grown, which promotes fertility for future crops. Organic growth methods also respect the health of workers who are harmed during conventional cotton cultivation by inhaling chemical products, as well as the health of people who will use the cotton products.


From the Hevea brasiliensis tree, we extract latex sap, which is then processed to produce natural rubber. This material has high elasticity, flexibility, and durability—unique properties that make it ideal for producing the outsoles of our shoes. By using this natural resource, we choose a renewable and biodegradable alternative to petroleum-based chemicals.



Water is the basis of life for all living beings on the planet. Such a fundamental resource should be guaranteed for all people. However, 663 million people in the world do not have access to drinking water.

319 million people lack access to drinking water in the African continent.

This shortage has serious consequences for the people affected. The first of them is the ocurrence of diseases resulting from drinking contaminated water, which, in many cases, leads to an importance number of deaths, especially among child population.

This problem affects especially to women and children, who are the responsibles of picking up water. Women don’t have the time to develop a proper job that will allow them to be independent and empowered. In addition, women’s health is seriously affected due to the physical effort that they need to make to carry the water. Most women end suffering bone injuries for the rest of their lives.

Children are not capable of keeping the pace at school. As consequence of this, children have to give up studies being practically illiterates. A situation that extremely affects to their development possibilities, seeing themselves trapped in a dead end.

For the past three years, we have been working with the Spanish NGO “Agua ONG” on a vital water supply project in remote areas of Uganda.

A portion of our sales has gone directly to this project. As a result, our community has been able to build three water wells, providing drinking water for 1500 people.

0°36’24.628”N 30°15’52.862”E



The Californian NGO “Eden Reforestation Projects” has been developing reforestation projects in devastated areas around the world since 2005. Part of their commitment is to involve local people in the reforestation process so that their communities can develop and grow through work.

Our collaboration with Eden Projects began with the launch of our first sneakers in projects developed in Madagascar and Mozambique.

The main achievements of the project developed with Eden Reforestation Projects have been:

· To reforest some of the most deforested areas on the planet.
· Provide food for the local people responsible for reforesting these areas.
· Building shelters for wildlife threatened by deforestation.
· Helping people lift themselves out of extreme poverty.
· Provide medicines to local people.
· Increase crop yields.
· Regenerate the soil through a tree planting program.
· Since we began working together, our community has enabled the planting of more than 275.000 trees.

19°51’32.962”S 33°7’52.540”E



Waste Free Oceans is an NGO based in Brussels dedicated to ridding the world’s oceans of the rubbish that humans have created and dumped over the past several decades.

They work to reduce, recycle and reuse marine waste by connecting local fishermen, recyclers, manufacturers and policy makers.

Waste Free Oceans has ocean, sea and river cleaning projects in the Azores Islands, Dominican Republic, Hong Kong, the Black Sea and the Danube River.

We've been working with this NGO for some time, with a portion of the proceeds from our purchases going directly to their projects.

As a result of this collaboration, more than 27.000kg of plastic has been collected from the oceans.

45°43’53.4”N 30°00’21.5”E